Thursday, January 10, 2019

Comparison Between Google Analytics and Google Console

Google analytics 

google analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool which will give detailed statistics about activity on a website. On its website, Google abbreviates  that the system “helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a complete picture of your audience and their needs, wherever they are along the path to purchases

  • It shows the websites audience
  • It helps to know the location of visits and their behaviors
  • google analytics provides the full website traffic statistics including total visits, average time on site, and bounce rate
  • It provides details about traffic source to our websites
  • It helps to know the location how people are finding our sites and how they are engaging with it
  • it will also give us the amount of visitors those who landed on our website and left immediately 

Google webmaster tool

google search console
  • google webmaster tool provides the information that can help us to improve our sites visibility in search
  • By using this we can know how many impressions our website generates in search engines by keyword or web pages, it also monitors click through rates from search engine results 
  • it is used by web masters to fix problems of our website
  • it will report crawl errors
  • it will inform the malware detected by the google
  • it will report the html errors


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