Thursday, January 10, 2019

Comparison Between Google Analytics and Google Console

Google analytics 

google analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool which will give detailed statistics about activity on a website. On its website, Google abbreviates  that the system “helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a complete picture of your audience and their needs, wherever they are along the path to purchases

  • It shows the websites audience
  • It helps to know the location of visits and their behaviors
  • google analytics provides the full website traffic statistics including total visits, average time on site, and bounce rate
  • It provides details about traffic source to our websites
  • It helps to know the location how people are finding our sites and how they are engaging with it
  • it will also give us the amount of visitors those who landed on our website and left immediately 

Google webmaster tool

google search console
  • google webmaster tool provides the information that can help us to improve our sites visibility in search
  • By using this we can know how many impressions our website generates in search engines by keyword or web pages, it also monitors click through rates from search engine results 
  • it is used by web masters to fix problems of our website
  • it will report crawl errors
  • it will inform the malware detected by the google
  • it will report the html errors

Bing optimization



Bing is a search engine developed by yahoo. Now it is owned and operated by Microsoft. It provides lot services like including web, image, video etc as search products and it developed using Bings video search performance quit better than google also it is providing more auto complete suggestions than google. It is the default search engine in Microsoft web browser. The main advantage of the bing search engine is the image search. Because it gives sharper and higher quality images in the result pages. infinite scroll is first introduced by bing search engine

Bing Webmaster Tools 

bing webmaster tools

Bing webmaster tools also known as bing webmaster center. Web master center is free  service provided by Microsoft's bing search engine. it allows webmaster to add their web site to the bing index crawler and it also offer webmaster tools to crawl and index their web pages, sitemap creation, submission and ping tools, website statics, consolidation of content submission

bing webmaster center contains following tools and features to support webmaster to access the data and manage their websites
  1. crawl issues it allows webmasters to discover potential issues with their website such as file not found 404 errors, blocked by REP, long dynamic URL's and unsupported content types 
  2. Back-link data it help webmasters to access the data about referring links 
  3. Advanced filtering it helps the webmaster to quickly scope the result in their website  reports to zoom in  to the data they need 
  4. Data download used to access the first 1000 result in a comma separated value file to analyze the result 
  5. keyword search tool used to explore the new keywords
  6. robots.txt validator helps webmasters to check if their robot.txt file meets the standard 
  7. markup validator allows the webmasters to check if their site meets world wide web consortium standards 
  8. sitemaps helps the webmasters to check if bing is viewing their sitemap correctly 
  9. outbound links helps to see the outbound links bings sees

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Web master tools and verification

Web master tool

webmaster tool

web masters usually uses search engine web master tool for the verification of website and the most commonly used in the google master is like the brain or nerve center of website. a webmaster tool defines that what website can do and process the information gathers in order to respond. it can be called as mock point of google. and google introduce this for optimization  websites by SEO techniques powered by them. There were so many other search engine tools are available . But web master tool is the best one among them. Because it looks at your website the way google sees it and also, It gives you an idea about which pages are to be indexed

Google web master tool

it is a no-charge web service by google which allows the webmasters to check the indexing status and optimize the visibility of their website

Mock point

web masters communication with google is made possible by web master tool and vise-verse

Web masters tools help us to

  1. communication with the google 
  2. adjust crawl rates
  3. view statics about how google bots access a particular site
  4. discover pages that are blocked in robot.txt file
  5. delete out dated site links 
  6. report spam and paid links
  7. file a reconsideration report

Thursday, January 3, 2019

On Page Optimization In SEO

On page optimization 

On page, optimization is a part of white hat SEO. It refers to optimizing factors that affect the listing of the website in search results. 
The following techniques are covered under on page optimization;
on page optimization

  1. keyword analysis
  1. Tag optimization

  • Title
  • Meta-keywords, descriptions, language
  • Heading-H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6
  • Bold
  • Hyperlink
  • Alt


A web page will be shown as a basic snippet in google search results. Simply snippet means the way of providing search result of a web page by google. It contains SEO title, web page URL, Meta  description

Tag Optimization

Optimizing the HTML tags using selected keywords is tag optimization, keeping in mind the character limit along with space. using the keywords in tags will increase your visibility on search engine result
tag optimization

Meta tag 

The meta tags are the part of the website where you put your keywords. Meta tags determine the relevancy of the website so they must be selected carefully. The content must be different for each page and must be relevant to that page. The website must be updated according to the time mentioned in the revisit tag. The character limit for meta keywords is 140-160 and for meta description is 120-140. Meta description must contain more than 3 meta keywords and one prime keyword

Title tag

The Title tag is used to specify the title of the website. The title is the clickable text displayed in the result as the title of the web site. Title tag optimization is done to make sure that the web pages gets displayed for the targeted keywords 

title tag and seo

For optimizing the title tag,
  1. The title for each web page must be different
  2. Keywords must be present along with page name 
  3. Title must have only 5 words or must be less than 70 characters including space
  4. Words of the title must be separated by pipeline "I" or ","
  5. Title is written within the tag <title><\title>
  6. Title must be unique and meaningful

Heading tag 

HTML  has 6 heading tags from H1 to H6. The most important heading is H1 and the least important is H6. Each page must have at least one H1. H1 is used to highlight the most important keyword or title in the page.

h1 tag optimization

  • A most important part of the body section is the content h1 tag. because h1 text area gets more attention from users compared to the rest 
  • we have to put our focusing key there in h1 tag
  • It has to move away from all grammatical errors and spelling mistake etc..
  • H1 always contain the primary keyword of our website
H2 tag;
  • It is more or less important than h1 tag
  • Only one h2 tag is preferred on a web page. if we use lengthy description within the h2 tag. The more than h2 tag is allowed in a web page 
  • The content of h2 must be related to the h1 content


A title tag must be highlighted by using bold. 

Content optimization

content optimization

The clickable text present on the web page is called anchor text. In SEO these anchor text must be relevant to the page you are linking. All the anchor text must have title filled with keywords or the hyperlinks must be properly titled. we should include relevant content about our website. we must be focused on that to never provide hyperlinks on any focusing keywords. because it will act as a recommendation  to other website and result ranking of the same

Image optimization

image optimization

we know the image is the most attractive part of the web page. it must be relevant and related to the content of our website. to get mass attraction webmasters to use the image as infographics. we have to always use the image which is relevant to our website. 
Usually, Google identifies an image using three fundamental elements, they are...
  • save the image using a file name, which is related to the image itself. Never use space within the file name while saving the image
  • Presence of attribute'alt' with an image tag. Alt is the attribute used to identify the image correctly contents within the image tag.
  • <img src="image URL"alt="image name"/>

I have already written an article about the history and evolution of SEO . just go through it......


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Evolution of SEO and Google updations | Hamzad Basheer|

The journey of SEO 


Google is A multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products. Google was innovated in  1998 by Larry page Sergey Brin. The main aim of Google was to market Google Search .Google has a process to optimize the websites that are...

  •     Crawlin
  •    Catching
  •     Indexing

Crawling is already written program. It simply means scanning the web page and collects the details about each page like keywords, images, and other Title 
Crawling is also known as spider, balls, robots….

catching is a method of snapshot the data. after this process, the website will save category wise 

indexing simply means the process of giving index. After all, is the process of adding web pages into Google search

SEO means “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, or natural search results on search engines.


Custodian of a web page is known as webmaster.  the webmaster is someone who creates and manages the content and organization of a website.

 There are three types of SEO 
Black hat SEO refers to a set of method that is used to increases a site or pages rank in search engines through which means that the method violates the search engines privacy and policies 


White hat SEO refers to a set of method that is used to increase a site or pages rank in search engines through which means that the method simply follows all the privacy and policies of search engines 


Grey hat SEO is a type of SEO practice which is riskier than white hat SEO. It may not result in your site being banned from search engines and their affiliate sites


Keyword stuffing

It is a black hat SEO techniques. Purposefully filling or stuffing the concentrated keywords. it is completely against the search engines privacy and policy. when keyword stuffing is detected by Google they will punish the website which has the keyword stuffing     
In early days Google was niche specific means content specific then after Google focused on the link specific after this introduction of link specific people used to sell the links to each other. To prevent this they put up another method called quality link specific this also didn't work as Google expected . to increase the trust value of users google introduce page ranking method 


The idea is that a link from a familiar website that is trusted by the search engines will pass more juice than one on a pointless directory. when a website having lots of incoming links so it can give their links to another website. it will give the website to achieve high ranking and power. but in case of the low incoming based website which is giving lots of links to another website, it will affect their ranking and page stability


google ads

it is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display their advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users 

Cost-per-click CPC

  • Your maximum CPC is the most you'll typically be charged for a click, but there are chances to be charged less sometimes much less. That final amount you are paid for a click is called your actual CPC
  • CPC pricing is also known as page per click means that you pay for each click on your ads in Google. For CPC bidding campaigns, you set a maximum cost-per-click bid which is  the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ads

ad sense advertising program that allows publishers  to insert a small amount of HTML into their sites and have ads appear that which targeted and relevant to the content of the site


bounce rate

it is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who move away from the site after viewing only one page. when a website having a high bounce rate means it is a low rated website which does not have any content quality 



google panda updates

In 2011 google changed their algorithm name as PANDA. it introduced against content spamming, maintain the search result quality and give accurate result to the users. content spamming means any type of content duplication, using low-quality content, spelling mistake, and grammatical errorThin pages mean there is no content on that website panda deleted all this type of website at the time of updates. panda give google a stability regards on content spamming, from that date to till google using panda to filter the web pages 


google penguin updates


In 2012 google introduce penguin updates against link spamming. To achieve high rank in google people use link exchange, link farming, paid links, comment spamming, and wiki spamming. When link exchanged one from another one the penguin will detect and punish the site also getting links from low-quality directories will detect by penguin 


google pigeon

In regards to the local SEO. It is related to local area search when a user is searching for a place for example. A person is searching for a restaurant the google will give him the nearest located restaurant by list 


Hummingbird is a significant algorithm change in Google Search in 2013. It was announced on September 26, 2013, "Hummingbird" places greater emphasis on natural language queries, considering context and meaning over individual keywords. It also looks deeper at content on individual pages of a website, with improved ability to lead users directly to the most appropriate page rather than just a website's homepage.


Rank Brain is an artificial intelligence (AI) program used to help the process of Google search and queries. Rank Brain uses artificial intelligence to convert vast amounts of written language into mathematical entities, called vectors, that the computer can understand. Rank Brain is an algorithm update in Google it is a machine learning technology which helps to deliver its search results. the main advantage of Google Rank Brain AI is that it does not ignore stop words like - if, on, in, of, as, us etc. for example one types a key phrase like - “books Thrissur” then rank brain will assist Google Search to display results for maybe “books stores in Thrissur” instead of “books on Thrissur city”


parked domain is a secondary domain that shows the user's primary domain. When users access the parked domain's website, the primary website displays instead. For example, is a parked domain that points to 


Google's Pirate Update is a filter introduced in August 2012 designed to stop sites with many copyright infringement reports, as filed through Google's DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act )  system, from ranking well in Google's listings. The filter is periodically's completely against piracy done in google 


On April 21, 2015, Google released a significant new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm that’s designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results

These are the evaluation of SEO and google updates. if you guys are satisfied with this brief article 
don't forget to share and I am also expecting some suggestions about this article



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